Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Senator Max Baucus: How far will he travel down the path of corruption?

I know that I said this blog was going to be about more than health care, but it seems that those in Washington as well as those in the pocket of the insurance industry don't want to give me a chance to write about anything else. I do have a couple of other very good stories that I am working on and am very excited to publish once I get the chance to get them completed, however the corruption of the private health insurance industry strikes again.

Senator Max Baucus (D-Montana) met with Single Payer advocates today. Senator Baucus is the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee and his meeting today comes after he had 13 doctors and nurses arrested about a month ago for speaking out at the Senate committee hearing on health care reform because the Senator failed to allow single payer advocates a seat at the table. In his meeting with them today, the Senator apologized for having the 13 people arrested and stated that he would consider dropping the criminal charges against them, but he would not include single payer advocates in future hearings. This is an outrage. Once again Senator Baucus has shown us where his loyalties lie; not with the majority of the American public and his constituents, but with the insurance companies that contribute to his campaigns. The Senator stated that it is too late to add single payer to the discussions which is absolutely absurd. When is it ever too late for discussion? I urge each and every person reading this, especially those that have the burden of being one of the Senator's constituents, to take action immediately. Call, fax, write, and drop by the office.

To contact Max Baucus and tell him you know how corrupt he is:
Senator Max Baucus
511 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Phone: 202-224-2651
Fax: 202-224-9412

If you are not a Montana resident, now is the time for action! Contact your congressmen and senators and tell them you will not stand for corruption if they choose to travel the same path as Senator Baucus. I would also urge you to contact Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) and encourage him to keep up the good fight. I have already joined a national campaign with the Progressive Democrats of America to remove the Senator from office during the next election cycle and to replace his seat with a Senator that is willing to put a personal agenda aside and perform the duties of the office, meaning representing the interests of "We the People."

I am officially issuing a call to action for anyone that may be reading this: On June 25, 2009, a health care reform rally is scheduled in Washington DC. If you truly want to see health care reform in this nation that will provide a permanent solution to this problem rather than another temporary fix, you should be there. Urge friends, family members, neighbors, and co-workers to attend. Let's swell the ranks with single payer supporters and let Congress know that we refuse to be ignored. Can you afford not to attend?

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